MSc - Modern Wireless Communications

Informatics and Telecommunications Department
University of the Peloponnese

16th year of presence

The University

The University of the Peloponnese was established in 2000 and rapidly expanded throughout the Peloponnese region, with over 25,000 students and 350 members of academic staff. For the past 21 years, its focus has been on enhancing research and education in all the fields it encompasses.

The Department

The Department of Informatics and Telecommunications is the first department established at the University of the Peloponnese and has been operating since 2002.

History of the Program

The MSc in Modern Wireless Communications has consistently been in operation since 2008. With over 200 graduates, now recognized professionals in the field of telecommunications, the MSc was re-established in 2018 and continues to provide students with specialization in current technological advancements, such as those shaping the networks of the 6th generation. (ΦΕΚ (GR)).

Coordinating committee

The oversight of the MSc in Modern Wireless Communications is ensured by the coordinating committee of the program, consisting of 5 faculty members from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications.

New Call for admissions (2024-2025)
New Deadline: 01 September 2024
